Great Organic Gardening Tricks From The Pros

Great Organic Gardening Tricks From The Pros

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Great Organic Gardening Tricks From The Pros
Tirsdag, 17 februar 2015
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lawn maintenance orlandoYou don't have to grow an organic garden exactly like a professional to fully enjoy it. You can grow a garden your way, so long as it employs the basics of organic gardening that can actually help your plants grow. Try looking at the tips below. They can give you some more helpful advice.

When removing and replanting perennials, it is important to replenish the soil as well. If you remove a large number of perennials, and then replant them without adding additional compost and soil, the bed will be lower, reducing drainage and air circulation. Also, the compost will replace nutrients that have been used up by previous growing seasons.

Use a bar of soap to prevent dirt under your nails. Before you begin gardening, scrape your fingernails across a bar of soap. This will create a barrier that keeps the dirt out. When you are done gardening, the soap will wash out quickly and easily - leaving your nails sparkling clean.

During winter, you should take your favorite plants inside. Maybe you could pick out the most expensive plants or the most hardy ones. Carefully dig around the rootball and replant in an appropriate pot.

Keep interested in gardening by trying something new each year. While tried and true favorites will always be a part of the garden, reserve a part for something new and exciting to keep interest. Keep in mind that some trial and error will be required because one crop that will be a flop in the fall, might be an excellent crop in the spring.

If you want a patch of green in your garden, consider planting a ground cover instead of a lawn. Lawns require a lot of water and maintenance. On the other hand, a ground cover usually uses less water, and certain varieties discourage weeds from growing. Many varieties of ground cover have the green color comparable to a lawn. You can save time and money with a ground cover.

An excellent garden shouldn't begin from plants. They should begin from seeds. Starting from seed is far less harsh on the environment than using plants you buy at the nursery. It is common for commercial plants to be packaged in plastic that is not commonly recycled, and therefore, it is better to use seeds or purchase plantings only from merchants who make use of organic packaging.

Get your soil professionally tested. The small upfront cost of soil testing will pay for itself many times over. By knowing exactly what type of soil you have as well as what nutrients are present will give you important information for a successful garden. Once you are aware of deficiencies, you can take steps to amend the soil and get your garden off to a good start.

To get rid of weeds and household junk at the same time, use shredded junk mail as a fertilizer. Take the shredded pieces of mail, wet them, and lay them in your garden. This will prevent weeds from growing on the places where they are laid, and will also help your plants to fight off diseases.

Plant cool-weather edibles in the fall. Why not plant lettuce and kale inside a hollowed-out pumpkin? Slice a hole around the stem, and pull the pumpkin top out. Then remove the guts and use Wilt-Pruf to cover the insides and prevent rot. When this is finished, you are now ready to plant.

Create a convenient cleaning station next to your outside faucet or garden hose. Collect all of your old soap slivers from around the house (or simply use a whole bar) and place in a plastic mesh bag. You can often find these bags in the produce department of your favorite store for storing vegetables in the refrigerator, or in the laundry department for delicates. Hang the bag near your hose, and the mesh works as a scrubber as well as containing the soap for an easy hand washing station.

So, as you can see, organic gardening is more than just professional organic gardening. It really can be a relaxing hobby or interior landscaping activity if you want it to be. You should feel a bit better and ready to start growing a better organic garden using your newly-found knowledge of this type of gardening.
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