How To Pick Up A Girl - Win The Battle After You Approach Her

How To Pick Up A Girl - Win The Battle After You Approach Her

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How To Pick Up A Girl - Win The Battle After You Approach Her
Lørdag, 21 februar 2015
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บิ๊ ก อาย สี น้ําตาลIf you want to learn how to pick up a girl, there is one particular qualification that you must possess: self-confidence. It is unquestionably essential since no women want to be with a man with lower social status than herself. If you ever act nervous around her, you'll be marked as such men. With so many guys wonder how to pick up a girl in a club, I'm going to give attention to that here. Here is what you have to do: become involved (talking, dancing, or other social activities) and check out the area for eye-to-eye contact with several potential targets. If you get eye contact, read her body language; if she seems interested in you (your intuition won't always right), get up and approach her.

If this is your first time, try this against huge party may out of your league and the situation can develop to something out of your control, so select a group of three or four. Make sure she sees you when you walk to her; keep relaxed, smile, confident, walk slowly, and keep upright posture. You'll be checked out and you must make good impression.

The following is opening conversation. If you find empty seat alongside her, just utilize the classic "excuse me, is this seat taken?" line. Otherwise, you may talk directly to her by using lines such as "you remind me of -widely known movie star-, I guess you get that frequently?" or "that is really nice -dress/nail colors/necklace/other accessories-". Just make sure that you are knowledgeable enough about women's fashion before using the last one so that your compliment will seem honest. Any men who knows how to pick up a girl won't allow small matter like that blows their chances.

You are GOING TO get rejections and it may not constantly your fault; she might have a bad day or currently involved with another guy. In either case, you need to understand when to back away with dignity rather than being clingy and needy, forcing your luck and end up as a pathetic failure. Anyway, you won't get anything if you afraid to acquire a few bruises throughout the battle, so suck it up and go to the next target (not instantly though).

If she gives positive response to your opener, the actual battle begins. It's time for you to show your value as the guy whom she can enjoy herself with. Keep her entertained by throwing humor (stay away from making yourself looked stupid though), keep the conversation under your control, never seek for her approval, keep the conversation around her subjects, keep yourself mysterious, keep sustain body language that reflect your self-confidence, do not avoid eye contact, and continue flirting and teasing her as a signal that you attracted to her.

Throughout the conversation, make sure you represent yourself as the "guy without problems"; this doesn't mean you don't have any problem, however, you resolve your trouble by yourself just like a real man would. Then again, she can bitching and complaining all she wants, just refrain from making rough judgment on her situation.

If you already own a little feeling on how to pick up a girl, you'll realize when the time comes to make advancement. If she is already comfortable with your company, subtly place yourself in order to have solo conversation with her; it's better yet if you can put her on a corner and put yourself between her and the other people. This is especially good when you have a rival attempting to butt in. During this period, try some light-touch on her arm or shoulder to find out her reaction; if she back away, pull your hand and come up with a joke about it.

The next step is separating her from her group by asking her into the bar to get drinks or dance on the dance floor. If you have confidence in your dancing skill, this is actually the perfect time to put it into good use, just avoid overdoing it and wind up humiliating yourself. In your time together, keep making body contact; if she reacts by smiling, tease you in exchange, and keep her eye on you, you've got great sign. At this stage, even though you can't take her home tonight for some reasons, getting her number will not pose as a hard task.

I trust that now you already understand how to pick up a girl (in theory), so get out there and take action. You will fail several times, but if you hold onto your pride and scared to get hurt, you'll never come home with the big reward. The options are clear: get into the battlefield, get some bruises and get back home with the reward or preserve your ego and come home alone while cursing yourself. Take your pick.

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