Organic Gardening & Organic Pest Control

Organic Gardening & Organic Pest Control

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Organic Gardening & Organic Pest Control
Lørdag, 21 februar 2015
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Organic gardening is not as same as general gardening. Pests harm fruits, & green vegetables. In general gardening or non organic form of gardening, various types of pesticides are used to control their breeding. Pests affect the production of vegetables. Some pest causes serious diseases. Pesticides used to control these organisms also cause serious diseases. These chemicals are regularly used to remove pests. The pesticides not only causes diseases to human body but also affect soil, air, water, animals and causes pollution to environment. Soil, air and water contaminated and get polluted. Cutworms and beetles are major insects which are found inside our garden.

The solution of these entire problems is organic gardening. There are several natural ingredients which are used as pesticides in organic gardening. These natural ingredients prevent breeding of insects and do not affect environment. Today many farmers are using organic gardening method to cultivate their fields and organic garden pest control methods to remove the pests and save the humans as well as land. A best advantage of this type of gardening is that the food materials produced in these gardens not only taste better but also you do not have tension to worry about toxic substances in your food.

Organic pest control (click the next web page) Methods: There are various types of organic control methods regularly used by farmers to control breeding of insects and pests. These used by farmers on large scales. Lady bugs and eat bugs are some insects which eat harmful insects and bugs and thus help us to control their breeding. Lady bugs and eat bugs are great friends of farmers. They do no damage to crops.

Baits and Horticultural Oil: Baits and Horticultural oil are some other which help farmers to stop breeding of insects. The baits and horticultural oil are sprayed on the stems and leaves of fruit bearing trees and plants and these help to get rid of problems of moths. The moths are major insects which destroy our crop.

Organic soap, solution & oil: Organic soap, solution and oils are some other types of insecticides which help to prevent population of insects. During summer season, these are mainly used by farmers. These oil and sprays are mainly sprayed at evening.
Natural predators: Lacewings and lady bugs are some natural predators which help farmers to get rid of insects. The pests are tackled by natural predators. If you have plenty of natural predators in your farm, it will be easy for you to solve the problem of pests.
Growing Scary Plants: Growing scary plants to your farm is another useful method to get rid of insects. Marigold and some other plants like it help to solve this problem.
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