Islam - The Misinterpreted Religion

Islam - The Misinterpreted Religion

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Islam - The Misinterpreted Religion
Fredag, 20 februar 2015
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Islam usually means peace, however it is the peace extra on ones internal self after it has submitted oneself to the desire of God Almighty and that is what the noble religion is all about. Islam has taught oneself to dwell harmoniously with its neighbors whose faith is aside from Islam. It taught oneself to deal with them with dignity and due respect irregardless of their faith, creed and race. The same way that Islam regards the relationship as mutual, that it is also treated as such in return. God is evident on this challenge in dealing with different faiths when He mentioned " There is not any compulsion in religion, the reality is distinct from error"

Islam neither tolerates oppression to anybody nor the interferences of the affairs of others. Any transgression to this effect, absolutely doesn't emanate from the faith itself because it does not condone it however moderately it condemns it. Neither Islam taught oneself to take a seat back nor allow oneself to be a victim of transgression with out an option to retaliation for such wrongdoing which is the very essence of human nature when provoked. Any victim of an inflicted wrongdoing, God offers oneself the discretion whether or not to retaliate or not when He stated " While you do retaliate there's no blame to be put on you, however in the event you can forgive that is good for you"

The embodiment of islam documentary is true monotheism, that's none has the fitting to be worshiped but God Almighty alone. That He has not begotten a son nor He is begotten. That He has no companions nor He's one in every of two. He's but One, not one in a trinity. It has been known that the message of true monotheism had been corrupted by unscrupulous innovators of their instances to swimsuit pagan tradition of polytheism and idolatry which had been gone on and on as historical past repeating itself because the time of Noah, Abraham, Moses and up to the time of Jesus Christ (peace be upon them). The doctrine of triune god or trinity is an offshoot to that tradition. God has declared to this problem when He said " They do blaspheme who said that god is one in every of three in a trinity. For there is no such thing as a god except One God, in the event that they desist to not what they utter, verily a grievous penalty awaits the blasphemers".

The assumption of true monotheism is what we're ordained to consider in. It is a way of life that anyone simply can't ignore. It has been preached and practiced by all prophets sent by God to mankind long earlier than the appearance of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophet of mankind.
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